Health and Diving

At Alberta Adventure Divers, our core values revolve around health and safety when diving:

Physical health: Divers know the importance of good health, and answering the dive medical accurately; doctor's sign off is required in some cases. In addition to sound physical health, we teach and expect divers, pro-staff and surface support to follow recommended safe practices which promote physical safety. This includes considerations for proper exposure protection, avoiding overexertion, and a focus on avoiding the potential for virus and germ infection.

Mental health: we promote diving as a fun activity. We do not pressure people to dive outside their comfort zone. We work to reduce anxiety in students, and progress with training as students gain confidence.

Environmental health: the environment surrounding diving is inclusive of: admiring, appreciating and maintaining the beauty of each location we dive in; being aware of and following local regulations: such as use of dive flags, sign-in/sign-out procedures; and awareness of and respect for local site access regulations for private or public use.


Covid and diving

In 2020, the entire world took a step back to re-assess all activities in a Covid world pandemic. The travel world came to a complete halt. This gave divers like us the opportunity to reflect upon amazing dive travel completed and review memories and photos. Alberta Adventure Divers has resumed group trips to local and exotic destinations.

As an activity, diving is relatively free from Covid worries. Divers only dive when feeling well, so people with a cold, coughing, fever, etc. do not dive. We bring our own uncontaminated air with us, we dive in our own bubble, sharing the dive with a buddy who has his own air source.

Dive travel involves diving in tropical and remote locations. We recommend travelers research with respected agencies, and local health authority regulations. Be prepared and informed on local travel, dive restrictions and Covid protocols.

At Alberta Adventure Divers, some Covid protocols have become standard operating practices. We have small class sizes; a solid sanitization & disinfection process for rental equipment.

The prime impact of Covid in 2020 & 2021 was that we explored great diving in local lakes around Alberta.  We are now expanding our dive horizons again!





